Sunday, April 14, 2013

Praise in the Same Chapter

Job 1:21 He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” It is hard to comprehend that Job could still praise God after losing everything. Not only did he praise Him, but he praised Him in the same chapter! I feel that I would need some time to pass, but not Job. He felt the weight of the tragedy, and still had the spiritual vision to see God's greatness. Job recognized the true owner of his possessions. Everything that he had, and he had great wealth, really belonged to God. How could he curse the God who had blessed him above measure? Job's analogy is right on. I've never seen a baby come into this life with anything, and I have yet to see someone be able to leave this life with a single possession either. Everything that we accumulate between our birth and death is really just a loan from The Lord. With this in mind, we can praise Him when we have much, and even when we have our much taken away. I pray that God's praise would be on my lips, even when the world wouldn't expect it from me. Lord help me not to wait until I regain what is lost. May I also praise God in the same chapter!

1 comment:

  1. It is the thing to do, that's for sure. I have experienced the tragic and sudden lose of my father and it hurt real bad. I found something to praise God for everyday since, even when I was in pain from the grieving process. I have to admitt that I was a little angry with God at times but God had saved my dad from hell and I will see him again soon! God is the God of REDEMPTION! One day I will see my dad dancing in the presence of the Almighty!
