Monday, January 21, 2013

Asking Us to Ask

2 Chronicles 1:7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!” Can you even imagine what it would be like if God asked you this question? This is God we are talking about! There is nothing that He can't do, and for Him to say "ask, and I will give it to you", that would be amazing. As unbelievable as it might sound, the same God has asked you to ask Him! Jesus told us to ask, and it would be given to us (Matthew 7:7), but for some reason we often fail to do it. Whether it is because we don't believe it, or some other reason, we often find ourselves falling short of this command. I want to challenge you today to ask. Whatever it is, big or small, ask God for it. My kids have no problem asking me for several things every single day. Now there are times that what they are asking for is not good for them, and out of love I say "no", but they have this incredible ability to shake off every "no" and continue to ask for their needs and desires from me every single day! I really believe that God is looking for that in His children as well. He is asking us to ask, and if it is in our best interest for Him to say "no", He will because He loves us. Just know that there are countless blessings and provisions with your name on them with only one stipulation attached.......and it's simply you asking Him for them. Take some time today to ASK.

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