Thursday, August 29, 2013

There is a God

Psalm 14:1 NLT Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! How can anyone look at the night sky and gaze upon the countless number of brilliant lights, and come to the conclusion that there is no God? How can anyone sit on a porch and watch humming birds fly with speed and precision and conclude that there is no Creator behind the creation? What a leap of faith it is to believe that all of the world's splendor just happened by chance! The Bible has one word for people that believe that way: foolish! They may be highly educated and elevated in the wisdom of men, but in the eyes of Him who looks down from the heavens, they are fools. It is also true that believers can and often do play the part of a fool as well from time to time. We can speak boldly with our voices that there is a God in heaven, but then live our lives as if no one is on the throne of the universe. To carry ourselves in such a way is equally foolish as the atheist and the skeptic. Let us live out our faith in such a way that the foolish might come to see and know the love of God. With our voices, our hearts, our hands and our feet, let us proclaim together......There is a God!


  1. Thank you Jesus that I know because of you that the Father of the universe and for ever more is all knowing and knows each one of us persistently
    he knows where I'm at where i'm going and where I've been . none Like you

  2. Thank you Jesus that I know because of you that the Father of the universe and for ever more is all knowing and knows each one of us persistently
    he knows where I'm at where i'm going and where I've been . none Like you

  3. I am standing with you pastor.I too, see the majesty of the Creator King everywhere. My favorite creation is mankind. I am amazed as I watch our children display the glory of God. What a mighty and wonderful creator our Pappa is!
