Monday, August 26, 2013

Two Way Praise

Psalm 9:1 NLT I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. Praise should come natural to the believer. It's simply a pouring out of our heart unto The Lord because of His majesty and glory. Although we often fail in this, our praise should not diminish based upon what's happening in our life, because praise is about Him and not us! There is, however, another side of praise that we should practice. Not only should we shower God with praise, but we should also tell others about His awesome works. When was the last time that you told someone how amazing God is? In world that is bent toward the negative, we should be a positive voice in their lives. It's really easy for us to fall in line and spew the same toxic language of pessimism, but instead let's join in together and give a two way praise to and for our God!


  1. I love to praise you my Lord , in your beauty make us shine that we may win your people back to you . no matter whats going own in my life I want to praise you I know I don't always but help me get there Love you Jesus and our pastor's heart for your people thanks for Blessing his home and all he touches with his hands and heart

  2. I often fail at the balance of praise and witnessing. But, I know that I am not where I used to be. My inconsistences are many but our Father never stops encouraging me. It's a practice makes perfect thing. Sometimes I drop the ball and sometimes I am scoring a touchdown. Either way I don't quit!
