Monday, June 24, 2013

100% Right

Job 40:1, 2 Then the LORD said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Everybody is a critic, including me. If I was the coach, I would have done it differently. I'm an arm chair quarterback, and I'm confident that I have what it takes. The reality is, I am wrong. How ignorant could I be to think that I could make better decisions than someone who has been trained and game tested like a real football coach. I'm just a pretender, and don't have enough of the needed knowledge to even begin to measure up. Now with that in mind, think about how often we feel the need to question God concerning His ways. Too often we become God's critic, and that's a dangerous combination of arrogance and ignorance. We think that it should be done differently, or that He made a bad decision, but we fail to see that we are lacking the knowledge of the big picture. Every decision that God makes doesn't just effect us, but many others. Could you sit in His throne and judge rightly? No way. I'm so thankful that I serve The Lord of all creation, and even more thankful that the Judge of all the earth is my Father. The next time that you are tempted to dout or question what God is up to, instead of criticizing, try trusting. In the end, you will see that God was right 100% of the time.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that when my father died I struggled with wanting an explanation for it. Like God owed me something, after all he was in control and that was my dad that was allowed to be die. But, I was looking at the situation with tunnel vision. I wasn't looking at the big picture. It is still difficult during certain holidays and when my kids grow into new experiences and he is not around to enjoy it with us. If we are not careful we will let the pain drive us to living without the joy and peace of the big picture.
