Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Big Picture

Job 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. Who are we to question God's wisdom? Was I there when God set the earth on its axis? Was I there when He made the oceans and told them how far they could go? Of course I wasn't, but I, like Job have still been guilty of questioning God. His ways are not always understood, but we should understand them to be perfect. Some things may not ever be proven this side of heaven, but time will eventually show that even the minute details were under the sovereign hand of God. Let's be honest, no one likes a "know it all", because they come across as arrogant and ignorant. When I think about it, it's truly amazing that God shows so much patience with us when we try to tell Him how to run the universe! God, forgive me for doubting and help me to see the big picture. I am the clay, and you are the potter.


  1. Only you Know God ,I was not ,I am nothing its all you .for give me for looking anywhere else you are my God and we love your word . pastor thank you for sharing Gods word.

  2. It's reassuring that I can go to the one that knows everything about everything for guidance and help in this life. He isn't surprised about anything. Thank You Jesus!

  3. This has always been the truth. Ignorance is not bliss at all! Knowing God and admitting my dependence on Him has shown me just how bad off I real am. But now that I know I am free and that's totally worth humbling myself for!
