Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Making Much of You

Job 7:17 “What are people, that you should make so much of us, that you should think of us so often? Job, because of all that had happened, was ready to throw in the towel. Who could blame him for desiring that God just let him die? To Job, death seemed easier to handle that all of the misery. But God, even though He created us from dirt, does not treat us like dirt, even though we deserve it. I often feel compelled to ask the question. Why does God make so much of us? Why does He think about us so often? It's mind blowing to think that the Creator of the universe has feelings for us! Well, it might be mind boggling, but it's true. Even when it seems that God doesn't care, He still does. Job didn't know that God was showing the devil up through Job's faith and perseverance. Not only was God paying attention during Job's struggles, God was paying very close attention to every detail of his life. I believe that if we knew how much the Father thought of us each day, it would drive us to be with Him more. Even today, God is making much of you!


  1. To know how much God love us , is life changing .Love you Jesus

  2. It's not about a feeling but a knowing! Deeper than the feelings is a place that God lives in our hearts that never changes with our ever changing feeling.Our spirit! Getting to know God, who lives in the spirit of a human, will bring much gain to us!
