Thursday, February 7, 2013

Change the Name of the Valley

2 Chronicles 20:26 On the fourth day they gathered in the Valley of Blessing, which got its name that day because the people praised and thanked the LORD there. It is still called the Valley of Blessing today. The Valley of Blessing got its name because the people praised God there. That should tell us something shouldn't it? Before it was called the Valley of Blessing, it was a place of conflict and apparent defeat, but that all changed when they decided to march into the valley with praise! We can and should do the same thing. We can change the valley of conflict into the Valley of Blessing. How? You've got to learn to praise God in it. Every time you face something difficult, and every day that you wake up, you can choose to transform the situation by praising Him. Wherever you are, and wherever you're going.....praise God there!


  1. An attitude of gratitude. This gold nugget is really a gold mountain. There is nothing more powerful than God, and when He is praised our hearts are overflowing with Him! It's like a flood of water that destroys everything that tries to slow it down. Its like a bulldozer that moves the mountains away! Oh praise the Lord. (insert Oakley's poem here)!
