Monday, February 11, 2013

Be Careful

2 Chronicles 27:6 King Jotham became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the LORD his God. I remember as a child, my parents would say "be careful!" when I was doing something that needed caution or special attention. To be careful is to focus, to pay attention, to be aware of what's going on or being done. King Jotham was commended that he was "careful to live in obedience to The Lord". I see this as living your life intentionally, and not haphazardly or without meditation. I've been guilty more than once of saying what came to my mind on a whim instead of taking a moment to let the Holy Spirit guide me with a better choice of words, or even no words at all! There are choices that I've made and even actions that I've taken that would've come out a whole lot better if I had been careful. The Spirit is our comforter and also our guide. He helps us through situations and decisions that require caution and wisdom. No, I can't guarantee that by being careful that you will never miss the mark, as a matter of fact I still miss the mark even when I'm trying my best. Jesus died for us because our best would never be good enough. The payment that was owed required God's best, and He paid it! What I can promise is that you will be surprised at how many trials and sticky situations you can avoid when you are careful to obey Him in love. Be careful.

1 comment:

  1. Its a wise thing to ask The Lord daily to lead and guide not only us but our children as well.
